Friday, January 16, 2015

Current: First day in Australia (Perth)

Sitting in Kings Park, which supposed to be the largest city park in the world. Really beautiful space, for all the nature lovers it's just a perfect getaway from busy city life. Ashley is napping next to me on a blanket, haven't had much sleep
on our flight from Bali.. I'm too excited can't sleep and I guess a good cup of coffee overlooking Perfh city gave the power that I needed to go through the first day in sunny Australia without barely any sleep.
First thoughts? We love it! Perth seems to be very cozy place. Really excited to explore more.
It feels surreal to be here. It's so far away from home & its one of those places that were on your travel list as long as you can remember. Can't believe we are actually here ! Both feeling extremely grateful to be able to see and explore this beautiful country. I believe these 3 months here gonna be WONDERFUL ! 

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