Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Current: Bali, Ubud. #2

Can't get enough of Ubud & It's surroundings. There's just too much to see, feel and taste...
I'm an early bird, so for me to wake up 6 o'clock or even earlier is pretty easy, for Ashley on the other hand is like a tortune.  Being good girlfriend I woke him up at 06:30, we managed to get quick breakfast and started our early adventure. Pretty small one. Only 15 minutes drive and we reached our destination- Talalagan Rice Terraces. I had read that if you want to avoid big crowds of tourists it's better to head there pretty early, but to our surprise it was completely empty when we got there. Even the beautiful bars were still closed. We had all the luxury to walk around and just really feel the whole atmosphere. For me it's definitely one of those "eat pray love" moments. It's hard to explain, but everything seems so surreal. You see locals working on this masterpiece, it makes you instantly question how they do it, how they keep everything so neat and perfect.

If you are ever in Bali, please never miss out on this. For nature lovers it's a sweet cupcake, something to warm up the heart. 
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