Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Current: Bali, Lovina

Reached top part of Bali- Lovina. Small place famous for ability to watch dolphins in their natural habit, We could not miss that. Lovina itself is pretty small place, main street has some restaurants and souvenir counters. Locals seemed pretty excited to see foreigners, be aware they do try to sell you pretty much everything ha. In fact the atmosphere is so different from busy Seminyak or Kuta, it's so quiet and empty comparing with bigger places. 
We booked a morning tour, which included dolphins watching and snorkeling. We had no expectations, usually such tours can be misleading, but the price was so good, we thought why not. To our surprise it was super super good. We had a really early start 05:40, jumped in a cool boat, just two of us and our tour guide. Sea was so calm and the views around were just fascinating. It took quite a while for us to spot first group of little dolphins, there were so many other boats around trying to see them as well. Waiting was worth while. It was my first time i have seen dolphins in the sea, free and happy in their home. No restrictions, no nothing, the way i believe it should be. The whole time i could not stop smiling, like a little kid, could not believe they were so close to our boat. 
After seeing dolphins we made our way through the sea to find snorkeling spots. To be honest i was quite against the idea of snorkeling, just because it was early morning, i was quite cozy just sitting inside the boat and dark see did not seem appealing for me at all. But when we stopped in our snorkeling location and i saw how clear / beautiful / magical the water and underneath life looked like i knew i have to get out and explore. I know it sounds funny, but i was actually quite proud of myself of stepping out of my comfort zone and just trying something new. Not that i am afraid of water or don't trust my swimming skills (nothing like that), just something about being underneath the sea seemed a bit intimidating for me. But once i did it it was A-M-A-I-Z-I-N-G :) It was Ashley's first time as well. We both loved it. We saw beautiful coral reefs, star fishes, nemo looking small and bigger fishes, - all this underneath sea world looked so so magical. We literally had the best time. One of the most beautiful experience ever. We definitely gonna do it again and again. 

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