Monday, January 26, 2015

Current: Australia, Perth (beach life)

Where shall we begin.. 
Beach life here in Perth is magical. It's our second week here and surely we haven't seen everything, but what we did so far, we absolutely loved. I guess i should start by saying that there were no beaches we did not like. All of them are unique in their own ways. Clear blue ocean, picturesque surroundings, relaxing atmosphere everywhere. One thing is obvious- Australian people know how to take advantage of good weather. BBQ's, family gatherings and picnics by the beach plays a big part in their daily live's. 
At weekends the waters fill up with swimmers, boats, jet ski's, surfers, kite surfers, wind surfers, snorkelers, the list of water activities is endless. There are so many great things to try out here that i don't know where to start. The lifestyle out here revolves around being outdoors and is so laid back and sociable. 
The fact that the beaches are all so amazing i guess is just the norm to the citizens out here. But truly each beach is like a paradise location where people fly all over in search of. Australians are very lucky that all these blue waters and white sands are either a short walk or drive down the road for most. People sometimes say yeah but if you live out there you'd be bored of it like your bored of home now. But honestly id rather spend every week at the beach than every week in the house because it's too wet and grey to go out. And i know i would never get bored of it. It's a lifestyle that you can enjoy day in day out, take up many different hobbies and generally feel happy because everywhere is so bright and beautiful. 
Ash / Greta


  1. Hey! Found you on instagram! Loved your photos so thought i'd check out your blog... enjoy your travels around Australia. If your in Sydney or ever go to NZ let me know and i'll let you in on some nice places to check out :)

    1. Hey, thanks a lot for nice words;) yeah, we definitely gonna try to check Sidney whilst in Australia, gonna check your blog for some advice. x
