Monday, January 26, 2015

Current: Australia, Perth (beach life)

Where shall we begin.. 
Beach life here in Perth is magical. It's our second week here and surely we haven't seen everything, but what we did so far, we absolutely loved. I guess i should start by saying that there were no beaches we did not like. All of them are unique in their own ways. Clear blue ocean, picturesque surroundings, relaxing atmosphere everywhere. One thing is obvious- Australian people know how to take advantage of good weather. BBQ's, family gatherings and picnics by the beach plays a big part in their daily live's. 
At weekends the waters fill up with swimmers, boats, jet ski's, surfers, kite surfers, wind surfers, snorkelers, the list of water activities is endless. There are so many great things to try out here that i don't know where to start. The lifestyle out here revolves around being outdoors and is so laid back and sociable. 
The fact that the beaches are all so amazing i guess is just the norm to the citizens out here. But truly each beach is like a paradise location where people fly all over in search of. Australians are very lucky that all these blue waters and white sands are either a short walk or drive down the road for most. People sometimes say yeah but if you live out there you'd be bored of it like your bored of home now. But honestly id rather spend every week at the beach than every week in the house because it's too wet and grey to go out. And i know i would never get bored of it. It's a lifestyle that you can enjoy day in day out, take up many different hobbies and generally feel happy because everywhere is so bright and beautiful. 
Ash / Greta

Monday, January 19, 2015

Reflections: Bali, Amed

Amed was the last destination of our road trip around Bali. It's beautiful small place with endless opportunities for snorkeling. We found out about this town by browsing through pictures of Bali beaches, Amed attracted our attention and so we made a decision to put this place on our visiting list. 
One thing is for definite, it's really hard to put your camera down when you driving through Amed's narrow streets. Theres just too much beautiful nature views around. With only small population of locals and tourists this place is so peaceful comparing with other towns we have visited. Clear see and gigantic mountains around gives a very romantic scene. Overall great little escape. If you ever planning a road trip around Bali, make sure to put Amed on the list. 

Current: Australia (meeting kangaroos)

One of the things I guess all people have on their "to see" lists whilst traveling around Australia is kangaroos. We were lucky enough to do that on the second day of our time here. And to put in short words this experience was absolutely BEAUTIFUL ! 
To our surprise we never thought that kangaroo fur can be so soft, it's unbelievable. We went to a park, where wild kangaroos tend to hang out and look for food left overs in a beautiful camping/picnicking area. There were small baby kangaroos as well as big males and females. Most funny and fascinating thing was to see them jumping around. 
Excited to see more wild life of this beautiful country x

Friday, January 16, 2015

Current: First day in Australia (Perth)

Sitting in Kings Park, which supposed to be the largest city park in the world. Really beautiful space, for all the nature lovers it's just a perfect getaway from busy city life. Ashley is napping next to me on a blanket, haven't had much sleep
on our flight from Bali.. I'm too excited can't sleep and I guess a good cup of coffee overlooking Perfh city gave the power that I needed to go through the first day in sunny Australia without barely any sleep.
First thoughts? We love it! Perth seems to be very cozy place. Really excited to explore more.
It feels surreal to be here. It's so far away from home & its one of those places that were on your travel list as long as you can remember. Can't believe we are actually here ! Both feeling extremely grateful to be able to see and explore this beautiful country. I believe these 3 months here gonna be WONDERFUL ! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Current: Bali, Lovina

Reached top part of Bali- Lovina. Small place famous for ability to watch dolphins in their natural habit, We could not miss that. Lovina itself is pretty small place, main street has some restaurants and souvenir counters. Locals seemed pretty excited to see foreigners, be aware they do try to sell you pretty much everything ha. In fact the atmosphere is so different from busy Seminyak or Kuta, it's so quiet and empty comparing with bigger places. 
We booked a morning tour, which included dolphins watching and snorkeling. We had no expectations, usually such tours can be misleading, but the price was so good, we thought why not. To our surprise it was super super good. We had a really early start 05:40, jumped in a cool boat, just two of us and our tour guide. Sea was so calm and the views around were just fascinating. It took quite a while for us to spot first group of little dolphins, there were so many other boats around trying to see them as well. Waiting was worth while. It was my first time i have seen dolphins in the sea, free and happy in their home. No restrictions, no nothing, the way i believe it should be. The whole time i could not stop smiling, like a little kid, could not believe they were so close to our boat. 
After seeing dolphins we made our way through the sea to find snorkeling spots. To be honest i was quite against the idea of snorkeling, just because it was early morning, i was quite cozy just sitting inside the boat and dark see did not seem appealing for me at all. But when we stopped in our snorkeling location and i saw how clear / beautiful / magical the water and underneath life looked like i knew i have to get out and explore. I know it sounds funny, but i was actually quite proud of myself of stepping out of my comfort zone and just trying something new. Not that i am afraid of water or don't trust my swimming skills (nothing like that), just something about being underneath the sea seemed a bit intimidating for me. But once i did it it was A-M-A-I-Z-I-N-G :) It was Ashley's first time as well. We both loved it. We saw beautiful coral reefs, star fishes, nemo looking small and bigger fishes, - all this underneath sea world looked so so magical. We literally had the best time. One of the most beautiful experience ever. We definitely gonna do it again and again. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Current: Bali, Singaraja

Travelers life 100%. We can't remember the last time we fully unpacked all our stuff ha. Anyway, we love it. Exploring Bali with our cute old school car is pretty cool. What is more cooler is the views we passed. Beautiful landscapes, huge rice fields, mountains, lakes- Bali nature is truly amazing. 

A bit of information about Singaraja- well it's a waterfall place. More than 3 waterfalls if I'm not mistaken. All hiden in magical surroundings. We had a chance to visit the biggest one- Gitgit. Small hiking trip and you can enjoy another natures masterpiece. Loved it ! 

Next stop: Lovina ! 

it's all about the beautiful offerings here in Bali..

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Current : on the road

Heart broken, left Ubud yesterday :)) on the road to the northern part of Bali. Exploring Singaraja, Lavina & Amed before heading back to south.
Here are some captures we made a long the way.   

Beautiful Kintamani 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Current: Bali, Ubud. #3

So I have been quite obsessed with Earh Caffe- vegan food place I have found in Bali. I'm not a vegan myself (yet), but I have been pescatarian for more than 3 years now. I do occasionally go through faces of eating raw, then vegan and so on.. I think it's a process that I have to experience in order to really learn what my body needs. Anyway, back on "earth caffe" theme. So I dragged ash with me to eat there quite a lot whilst we stayed in Seminyak. And now luckily enough we found one in Ubud. And not just caffee but the first raw cinema as well. Basically the best thing ever. Big projector on the screen, comfiest couches that makes you feel like your watching tv in your living room and plus vegan food, cookies, Popcorns etc.. Love it !!! Oh and I watched "willy wonka and the chocolate factory" for the first time, was very pretty old school movie. 
Really enjoyed the whole experience there, I think it's definitely a pretty cool way to spent your evening whilst your in Ubud. 
Greta x

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Current: Bali, Ubud. #2

Can't get enough of Ubud & It's surroundings. There's just too much to see, feel and taste...
I'm an early bird, so for me to wake up 6 o'clock or even earlier is pretty easy, for Ashley on the other hand is like a tortune.  Being good girlfriend I woke him up at 06:30, we managed to get quick breakfast and started our early adventure. Pretty small one. Only 15 minutes drive and we reached our destination- Talalagan Rice Terraces. I had read that if you want to avoid big crowds of tourists it's better to head there pretty early, but to our surprise it was completely empty when we got there. Even the beautiful bars were still closed. We had all the luxury to walk around and just really feel the whole atmosphere. For me it's definitely one of those "eat pray love" moments. It's hard to explain, but everything seems so surreal. You see locals working on this masterpiece, it makes you instantly question how they do it, how they keep everything so neat and perfect.

If you are ever in Bali, please never miss out on this. For nature lovers it's a sweet cupcake, something to warm up the heart. 
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Reflections: Singapore #1

Our 7 month journey started in Singapore. We were welcomed there by my relatives, who were more than nice to let us stay in their place for a month. 
First thoughts about the Lion City- it's pretty Futuramic. Skyscrapers, busy streets, shopping malls on every corner, it seems like everything is on your door step. Spotless streets and hundreds of restrictions, Singapore government definitely knows how to rule the country. 
Even though the country is quite tiny, there's so much to see and do. Since our plan to find work there and stay more than a month did not work, we slowly started to explore and make sure we made the best of our time there. 
We definitely managed to check of all of our "to do" in Singapore list with the help of family and new friends. 