Saturday, February 21, 2015

Current: last days in Perth

Hey'all ! For the last couple of days we been enjoying Perth full time. Since we rented a car, life has been much more easier ha. Feeling like proper locals driving to different destinations.. Even though the Australian summer is coming to an end, weather has been really great and we were lucky to explore some new absolutely beautiful beaches. To be honest we getting used to all those paradise places, seems like this country has tuns of them. Spent friday chilling in Mettams pool- cool spot if you fancy some snorkelling experience. Really loved the location. Next to this beautiful beach there's a really nice area called Hilary's boat harbour full of restaurants and cute shops. Worth checking out!
Also, one of the things we really wanted to do is to see aqwa park of western Australia. First time we saw sharks andother fascinating creatures of the underwater world. Magical ! 
We spent our evenings either wandering around Freementle market (which is one of my favourite place. Full of vegan food, beautiful boutiques and just pretty cozy atmosphere that you can't resist) or in 'cooler' side of Perth city- northbridge. Area full of trendy cafés and stunning boutiques. City has it all. 
Feeling grateful for our time here in WA, gonna come back after our adventures in South.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Current: Australia (5 things I have learned by living in a tent)

Hey there, it's been a while. No connection for past week, that's because we were experiencing some wild life, a.k.a living in a tent in the middle of pretty much nowhere ha. Did we enjoy it? -Hell yes. Whilst we were camping i got some crazy realizations about simple daily things, so i thought it would be rude not to share it with you guys.
1. You can survive without a WIFI. Ha, this one is kind of a joke (but really not). It's obvious that in today's world we are basically 24/7 attached to our beloved friends (phones), so once you land in the environment where's no connection it becomes a small shock. But... it's all good, it's all ok. It's funny in a way because when we got a chance to check our emails and such i got kind of strange messages from my mum, saying "Are you ok there? I'm worrying ans so on".. Makes you think what people did when there were no phones and wifi everywhere, when letters where the only way connect.. It's just some bare thoughts for you..
2. You can survive in 15 dollar tent. (If you are lucky and there's no rain ha). We were very lucky, because the whole week was without rain so our cheap tent survived. Even though we faced some really strong winds and many times i thought we gonna have to collect the broken pieces of our "home".
3. UNO is the best card game ever. Seriously, who does not love Uno? Can't count how many times me and Ash played this week. I'm always the winner.
4. Books are your best friend. This i already knew before the camping, but what i did not know is that whilst you traveling and not just camping, it can get pretty crowded in your backpack, suitcase and such. So the best solution for saving your space and your back is kindles or in other words digital books. I was reading my ones on ipad, which was so so handy to have. Also, it provides the light you need for reading, it's just brilliant. Last book i read was Richard Branson -"Screw it, let's do it" , really enjoyed it, highly recommend for someone who's looking for some inspiration/motivation to start achieving the things that you want.  
5. If you stayed in a tiny tiny tent with your partner and after a week you still love waking up next to him- it's real love. Last one- a bit cheesy one. True though. Have to admit it gets pretty annoying in all the mess and lack of space, so it's really easy to start argues with your partner. But.. in the end it's all about the journey together. Me and Ashley been together for nearly 4 years and it was our first time camping together. Pretty cool. Ladies, camping can be a good Test ha. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Current: Australia, Perth (Penguin Island)

Perth is a great place, with loads of activities on the side. Last week we celebrated Ashley's 25th birthday and i managed to arrange a surprise day out in 'Adventure land.' We had an amazing time playing around in different water rides and much more. Anyway, but this post is not about that.. 
This time is all about little penguins. Can't forget how adorable and cute they were. Was amazed by people working their, telling each penguin's story how each of them were rescued. It's beautiful to see the compassion and love that comes with such work. Loved it. The whole island is pretty tiny, apparently there's 1000 of wild little penguins living there. We managed to spot just couple of them sleeping in their nests. 
It's been 2 weeks here in Australia and we are absolutely loving it. Currently packing our bags, just bought a small tent, planning a road trip to another cute town called 'Bunbury'. Pretty excited to have some camping experience, since me and Ashley have never gone camping together. One minus is that weather in west coast started being really crazy, meaning loads of lightening storms and rain in the evenings and since we have not a water proof tent that would not be fun ha. Wish us luck. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Current: Australia, Perth (beach life)

Where shall we begin.. 
Beach life here in Perth is magical. It's our second week here and surely we haven't seen everything, but what we did so far, we absolutely loved. I guess i should start by saying that there were no beaches we did not like. All of them are unique in their own ways. Clear blue ocean, picturesque surroundings, relaxing atmosphere everywhere. One thing is obvious- Australian people know how to take advantage of good weather. BBQ's, family gatherings and picnics by the beach plays a big part in their daily live's. 
At weekends the waters fill up with swimmers, boats, jet ski's, surfers, kite surfers, wind surfers, snorkelers, the list of water activities is endless. There are so many great things to try out here that i don't know where to start. The lifestyle out here revolves around being outdoors and is so laid back and sociable. 
The fact that the beaches are all so amazing i guess is just the norm to the citizens out here. But truly each beach is like a paradise location where people fly all over in search of. Australians are very lucky that all these blue waters and white sands are either a short walk or drive down the road for most. People sometimes say yeah but if you live out there you'd be bored of it like your bored of home now. But honestly id rather spend every week at the beach than every week in the house because it's too wet and grey to go out. And i know i would never get bored of it. It's a lifestyle that you can enjoy day in day out, take up many different hobbies and generally feel happy because everywhere is so bright and beautiful. 
Ash / Greta

Monday, January 19, 2015

Reflections: Bali, Amed

Amed was the last destination of our road trip around Bali. It's beautiful small place with endless opportunities for snorkeling. We found out about this town by browsing through pictures of Bali beaches, Amed attracted our attention and so we made a decision to put this place on our visiting list. 
One thing is for definite, it's really hard to put your camera down when you driving through Amed's narrow streets. Theres just too much beautiful nature views around. With only small population of locals and tourists this place is so peaceful comparing with other towns we have visited. Clear see and gigantic mountains around gives a very romantic scene. Overall great little escape. If you ever planning a road trip around Bali, make sure to put Amed on the list. 

Current: Australia (meeting kangaroos)

One of the things I guess all people have on their "to see" lists whilst traveling around Australia is kangaroos. We were lucky enough to do that on the second day of our time here. And to put in short words this experience was absolutely BEAUTIFUL ! 
To our surprise we never thought that kangaroo fur can be so soft, it's unbelievable. We went to a park, where wild kangaroos tend to hang out and look for food left overs in a beautiful camping/picnicking area. There were small baby kangaroos as well as big males and females. Most funny and fascinating thing was to see them jumping around. 
Excited to see more wild life of this beautiful country x

Friday, January 16, 2015

Current: First day in Australia (Perth)

Sitting in Kings Park, which supposed to be the largest city park in the world. Really beautiful space, for all the nature lovers it's just a perfect getaway from busy city life. Ashley is napping next to me on a blanket, haven't had much sleep
on our flight from Bali.. I'm too excited can't sleep and I guess a good cup of coffee overlooking Perfh city gave the power that I needed to go through the first day in sunny Australia without barely any sleep.
First thoughts? We love it! Perth seems to be very cozy place. Really excited to explore more.
It feels surreal to be here. It's so far away from home & its one of those places that were on your travel list as long as you can remember. Can't believe we are actually here ! Both feeling extremely grateful to be able to see and explore this beautiful country. I believe these 3 months here gonna be WONDERFUL ! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Current: Bali, Lovina

Reached top part of Bali- Lovina. Small place famous for ability to watch dolphins in their natural habit, We could not miss that. Lovina itself is pretty small place, main street has some restaurants and souvenir counters. Locals seemed pretty excited to see foreigners, be aware they do try to sell you pretty much everything ha. In fact the atmosphere is so different from busy Seminyak or Kuta, it's so quiet and empty comparing with bigger places. 
We booked a morning tour, which included dolphins watching and snorkeling. We had no expectations, usually such tours can be misleading, but the price was so good, we thought why not. To our surprise it was super super good. We had a really early start 05:40, jumped in a cool boat, just two of us and our tour guide. Sea was so calm and the views around were just fascinating. It took quite a while for us to spot first group of little dolphins, there were so many other boats around trying to see them as well. Waiting was worth while. It was my first time i have seen dolphins in the sea, free and happy in their home. No restrictions, no nothing, the way i believe it should be. The whole time i could not stop smiling, like a little kid, could not believe they were so close to our boat. 
After seeing dolphins we made our way through the sea to find snorkeling spots. To be honest i was quite against the idea of snorkeling, just because it was early morning, i was quite cozy just sitting inside the boat and dark see did not seem appealing for me at all. But when we stopped in our snorkeling location and i saw how clear / beautiful / magical the water and underneath life looked like i knew i have to get out and explore. I know it sounds funny, but i was actually quite proud of myself of stepping out of my comfort zone and just trying something new. Not that i am afraid of water or don't trust my swimming skills (nothing like that), just something about being underneath the sea seemed a bit intimidating for me. But once i did it it was A-M-A-I-Z-I-N-G :) It was Ashley's first time as well. We both loved it. We saw beautiful coral reefs, star fishes, nemo looking small and bigger fishes, - all this underneath sea world looked so so magical. We literally had the best time. One of the most beautiful experience ever. We definitely gonna do it again and again. 