Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Current: Australia (5 things I have learned by living in a tent)

Hey there, it's been a while. No connection for past week, that's because we were experiencing some wild life, a.k.a living in a tent in the middle of pretty much nowhere ha. Did we enjoy it? -Hell yes. Whilst we were camping i got some crazy realizations about simple daily things, so i thought it would be rude not to share it with you guys.
1. You can survive without a WIFI. Ha, this one is kind of a joke (but really not). It's obvious that in today's world we are basically 24/7 attached to our beloved friends (phones), so once you land in the environment where's no connection it becomes a small shock. But... it's all good, it's all ok. It's funny in a way because when we got a chance to check our emails and such i got kind of strange messages from my mum, saying "Are you ok there? I'm worrying ans so on".. Makes you think what people did when there were no phones and wifi everywhere, when letters where the only way connect.. It's just some bare thoughts for you..
2. You can survive in 15 dollar tent. (If you are lucky and there's no rain ha). We were very lucky, because the whole week was without rain so our cheap tent survived. Even though we faced some really strong winds and many times i thought we gonna have to collect the broken pieces of our "home".
3. UNO is the best card game ever. Seriously, who does not love Uno? Can't count how many times me and Ash played this week. I'm always the winner.
4. Books are your best friend. This i already knew before the camping, but what i did not know is that whilst you traveling and not just camping, it can get pretty crowded in your backpack, suitcase and such. So the best solution for saving your space and your back is kindles or in other words digital books. I was reading my ones on ipad, which was so so handy to have. Also, it provides the light you need for reading, it's just brilliant. Last book i read was Richard Branson -"Screw it, let's do it" , really enjoyed it, highly recommend for someone who's looking for some inspiration/motivation to start achieving the things that you want.  
5. If you stayed in a tiny tiny tent with your partner and after a week you still love waking up next to him- it's real love. Last one- a bit cheesy one. True though. Have to admit it gets pretty annoying in all the mess and lack of space, so it's really easy to start argues with your partner. But.. in the end it's all about the journey together. Me and Ashley been together for nearly 4 years and it was our first time camping together. Pretty cool. Ladies, camping can be a good Test ha. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the book recommendation Richard Branson -"Screw it, let's do it" ,will check it out!
