Saturday, February 21, 2015

Current: last days in Perth

Hey'all ! For the last couple of days we been enjoying Perth full time. Since we rented a car, life has been much more easier ha. Feeling like proper locals driving to different destinations.. Even though the Australian summer is coming to an end, weather has been really great and we were lucky to explore some new absolutely beautiful beaches. To be honest we getting used to all those paradise places, seems like this country has tuns of them. Spent friday chilling in Mettams pool- cool spot if you fancy some snorkelling experience. Really loved the location. Next to this beautiful beach there's a really nice area called Hilary's boat harbour full of restaurants and cute shops. Worth checking out!
Also, one of the things we really wanted to do is to see aqwa park of western Australia. First time we saw sharks andother fascinating creatures of the underwater world. Magical ! 
We spent our evenings either wandering around Freementle market (which is one of my favourite place. Full of vegan food, beautiful boutiques and just pretty cozy atmosphere that you can't resist) or in 'cooler' side of Perth city- northbridge. Area full of trendy cafés and stunning boutiques. City has it all. 
Feeling grateful for our time here in WA, gonna come back after our adventures in South.

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